![]() P L A N E T.. L I N K S ® |
Below is a list of career WebSites on the internet. Career sites offer more than savings on stamps and envelopes; they provide an opportunity to search for jobs based on skills not just catagories. The better sites also let you respond directly to employers via the Web or store your resumes online to be searched by human-resource specialist looking for canidates
Below is a list of career sites that includes information about resume storge and comments of additional features. The more resumes you submit the better your chance of getting responces.
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Job Search Guide to the Internet
with P L A N E T L
I N K S ®Quick Start
For more information please E-mail us
| Resume Storage
| Comments |
Careerjet, the search engine for jobs 5/5 Stars Rating |
Yes | Careerjet, the search engine for jobs Includes local searches |
No | Search through all jobs posted on all career sites in the United States and International | |
CareerMosaic (Builder) |
Yes | Employer Profiles, Job Fair, College Connections |
JobSpin.com | Yes | Very Good Job search, Free resume review |
Personnel Services |
Yes | Staffing Agency, career information. |
Westaff |
No | Good for first-time job seekers, Temporary Staffing, Temp-to-Hire, Direct Hire. |
Jobs.net |
Yes | High-quality recruitment tools. Hiring companies can post jobs and search resumes for free. |
CareerPath |
No | Listings from major metropolitan newspapers. |
JobCenter |
Yes | Employer information articles. |
CareerSite |
Yes | Users can forward resumes to employers. |
RecruitUSA |
Yes | "Grand Central Station" of career hubs. |
Board |
Yes | Great career center site. |
Net-Temps |
Yes | Create a Free Desktop for Your Job Hunt. |
Job Fair |
Yes | High-Tech positions. |
Shop |
Yes | How to write an electronic resume. |
Jobs in the USA Today |
Yes | Users can forward resumes to employer listings from USA Today. |
CareerMagizine |
Yes | Searches Usenet Newsgroups job posting. |
Online Career
Center |
Yes | Non-profit association. |
Job Bank
No | Employer ads. |
Heart Career
Connections |
Yes | Online conferences. |
Career Web |
Yes | Includes Natl.Business Employment Weekly articles. |
Wanted |
Yes | Includes a searchable index. |
Career Fair |
Yes | Job Postings. |
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